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Each month, the Lead Read Today team offers a review of a leadership book that is both helpful and trustworthy, and includes concepts that have been proven by leadership research. “You can motivate by fear. And you can motivate by reward. But both of these methods are only temporary. The only lastin...
Takeaways:  Though “actions speak louder than words,” reactions can make or break your leadership potential.   You can increase self-awareness (and improve your reactions) with practice.   What happens when something doesn’t go your way? Perhaps it was something you were really counting on. If you’r...
I was succeeding in corporate America for one of the world’s largest retail companies. But I found my true fulfillment in the cramped office where I spent Saturdays volunteering for Suicide Prevention Services. There were so many other young professionals like me—people who had talents to offer and ...
Former NFL Coach Jimmy Johnson probably said it best, “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” This is especially true in leadership. Getting the business fundamentals right is critical for success, but how you treat people is that little “extra” that can truly inspi...
As we celebrate Women’s History month to honor the contributions of women, we should reflect on how business benefits from the full participation of women in all levels of the organization to drive innovation and performance forward. To understand how, we can start with the role of culture, specific...
In our book “The Mentor Leader,” Tony Dungy and I walk through seven “E’s” that are implemented by a “mentor leader,” which we define as a leader striving to create leaders and sustainable leadership. I was approached by an attendee after a recent corporate keynote address I gave who asked the reaso...
Key Takeaways Employees’ perceptions of justice or fairness can affect both individual and organizational levels of outcomes. Justice perceptions involve one’s perceptions of the fairness of the organizational processes, how outcomes are distributed and the quality of interpersonal treatment employe...
Dr. Timothy Judge and his team at Fisher Leadership Initiative of the Ohio State University recently conducted a leadership landscape survey on 58 leadership scholars. One of the survey questions asked participants to write down as many as eight findings that they believe we have learned from the 10...
Key Points: Stress can also be an opportunity for growth First you need to adopt a “stress is beneficial” mindset Then you need to take action on something important to you During times of crisis, it’s not unusual to worry about things that feel out of your control. In the current pandemic, many of ...
We all love a good story. When we hear one — not only can we relive it and relate to it — we also remember it and retell it for years to come. There is no better way to communicate with people from different backgrounds than telling an engaging story. Believe it or not, leaders have been using story...